Therapist Directory
This is a listing of Therapists who are members of Central Coast CAMFT. Group Directory This is a listing of Groups that are being offered by Central Coast CAMFT members. Supervision Directory This is a listing of Central Coast CAMFT members who offer clinical supervision. Community Partners This is a listing of Central Coast CAMFT non-clinical members. | DisclaimerAll of the information contained in Therapist Finder has been provided to the Central Coast Chapter of CAMFT by the therapists themselves. The Central Coast Chapter of CAMFT has not reviewed, investigated or evaluated the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of the information. We make no representations as to the qualifications or the competence of those listed and we do not recommend or endorse the services of those listed.How to Choose a TherapistDon’t be afraid to shop around for a good match between you and your therapist. No matter how well trained the therapist is, if you are not at ease with him or her or you are unwilling to talk about personal problems or feelings, you will be wasting your money. Trust your intuition.Take recommendations from friends and family only if they have shown significant and visible changes in behavior and attitudes during their therapy. |
OUR MISSION To strengthen the Marriage & Family therapy profession & better serve our Central Coast community.
© Central Coast CAMFT 2025
Central Coast Chapter of CAMFT is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 12723, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
Website Design : Deb Maxwell